
[Fall 2017] President Newsletter

From the Desk of the President: Alexis Holmes Jones

Happy Autumn. The City of Cleveland is gorgeous in the Fall. Seasons represent the changing of the guard and the weather outside is cool and crisp, multicolored leaves of green, burgundy, scarlet, orange, yellow and golden-brown decorate the trees. It is time for change!

There is power in numbers: I am hopeful that the November 7, 2017 General Election will bring change to County and City Civil Service employees. This season, the theme for Civil Service workers and their families should be “Who are the best candidates for CSEA workers and their families?". In the past, CSEA workers and their families have depended on government officials to treat them fairly. However, instead of affording Civil Service workers’ raises and promotions, it seems that our tax dollars are being doled out to billion dollar corporations while Civil Service workers are furloughed, denied raises, and promotional opportunities. As the result of higher taxes, a rise in utility costs, diminished salaries, inadequate hiring practices and policies, and an inadequate police department, our communities have fallen into blight and remain unsafe.

Tax dollar overseers are quick to point out how great downtown has flourished. However, with all of the nice upgrades to the downtown area, nothing seems to change for Civil Service workers or for their families or for their communities. Some officials seem to be visible only in an election year.

While higher taxes and utilities costs are on the rise, and low wages and furloughs persist, the taxpayer base has been sorely diminished . Years of these practices have made life almost impossible for homeowners to adequately maintain and afford major repairs to their homes and properties. Tax abatements and grants only work until the loans come due. Continued implementation of these types of practices ultimately penalized citizens and communities that ultimately lose in the payback. These practices only add to our blighted communities. Infrastructure is in sore disrepair. Potholes in certain areas make it unsafe for driving and crime is at an all-time high. The educational system is in disarray; utility bills have sky rocketed, with water and sewer bills going into the double digits, and are now being billed monthly instead of quarterly. The U.S. Department of Justice completed a report that stated that the City of Cleveland Police Department’s overall policies show that there is blatant mistreatment of minorities and poor people; and it sorely needs an overhaul. However, its policies remain status quo. Cuyahoga County is in the process of taking over the management of the City's Jail system, leaving Cleveland and County police and correction officer’s jobs in peril. How do we survive? That’s simple! Educate yourself about issues that directly impact your jobs, your families, and your communities, so that you can make informed choices on deciding which candidates truly have your best interests at heart. It simply comes down to prioritizing what is best for you, your family and your community. We must consider eliminating the risk to our families and to our communities by voting for candidates that will implement fair policies and practices, adequate wages, raises and promotions, and by making safety a priority. We can no longer depend on empty promises that quickly dissipate after elections.

It is critical that Civil Services workers take a stand! Now is the time to stand up and choose City and Ward officials who are willing to include pay raises for Civil Service employees on their agendas and in their budgets; who advocate fairness in the work place, and safety in our communities, and who are willing to work for you! We have an opportunity to change direction and to gain a fresh new perspective, one that includes Civil Service employees, their families and their communities. Will you step up to the plate? Are you willing to stand-up for change, for jobs and financial security, inspire community growth, equal protection under the law, and safety for yourselves and your families?

All workers deserve decent salaries, cost of living and pay raises, timely promotions, and fair policies across the board. There is strength in numbers, and the CSEA membership is strong. Now go out and flex your CSEA muscles by choosing representatives that advocate on behalf of Civil Service employees, their families and for safety in their communities.

Thank you, and give yourself a round of applause for standing-up for CSEA workers everywhere!

The Civil Service Employees’ Association

CSEA and GCCCU memberships consist of approximately 5,000 governmental civil service workers. Our membership body includes all civil service workers actively serving in governmental agencies and organizations located within Cuyahoga County.

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  (216) 771-6570

  850 Euclid Ave. #1313
   Cleveland, Ohio 44114

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